Pixel Winter Package
Thank you for acquiring the Pixel Winter Package!
Here are straightforward guidelines to assist you in setting everything up.
Quick Installs
Streamlabs .OVERLAY
- Launch Streamlabs OBS and go to "Settings"
- Press the "Import Overlay File" button under the "Scene Collections" tab
- Locate and click the .overlay file in "2. Quick Install\Streamlabs"
- Excellent news! Your Scene Collection is now fully set up and ready to go.
Streamlabs Quick Install
- Log in to your Streamlabs account
- Open the "Quick Installs" folder in the downloaded archive
- Open the "Streamlabs" folder
- Double-click the Data Alert - Streamlabs.URL file
- Success! Streamlabs will notify you that your alert has been successfully imported
Additional Info
Haiti #100d37
Near Black #080607
Red #862322
Archivo Black